Roof Cleaning In Hampden, MA

March 15, 2024
There are three forms of growth that can appear on your roof algae, moss, and lichen. Not only are they unsightly, these growths can and will be destructive to your roof if left untreated. Many people think that it is just dirt and nothing can be done to clean or prevent it. Others think the only way to have it cleaned is with a power
washer or surface cleaner. Western Mass Prowash is a certified non pressure roof cleaner from the Roof Cleaning Institute of America. Our process utilizes a specialized pump to apply a proprietary solution to safely kill the growths on your roof without damaging your shingles or home.
This customer in Hampden Ma hired Western Mass Prowash to clean their roof and couldn't of been happier. Not only did this bring back their home's curb appeal, it added years of life to their roof.
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